In March 2013, the Scarborough Arts jury selected one of two pictures I submitted to explore the show's theme, "Childsight." As in the 2012 "Ego" show, I was excited by the possibility of showing consciousness in
animals, this time through the sight of two non-human children. I
love the way the baby zebra and llama in these two pictures are enfolded by their
mother's care, and from that safe space look out at the world with
such curiosity and sense of adventure.

"The Eyes of a Child #1"
The jury's selection is one of my most popular wildlife pictures, taken in Amboseli Park, Kenya, in 2007. Previously, I exhibited and sold the picture as an "Eight By Ten Art" print. For the Scarborough Arts show, I printed the picture on canvas.
The jury's selection is one of my most popular wildlife pictures, taken in Amboseli Park, Kenya, in 2007. Previously, I exhibited and sold the picture as an "Eight By Ten Art" print. For the Scarborough Arts show, I printed the picture on canvas.

"The Eyes of a Child #2"
I took this picture in a small park in Chile in 2012. The little llama bounced off to make the rounds of all the other adults in the group after I took the picture, and was welcomed with such delight by each -- the other direction in which childsight flows.
I took this picture in a small park in Chile in 2012. The little llama bounced off to make the rounds of all the other adults in the group after I took the picture, and was welcomed with such delight by each -- the other direction in which childsight flows.
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Scarborough Arts Annual Juried Exhibition, August 2012
In 2012 I exhibited a Triptych entitled "I'm Looking at You," a limited-edition set of three framed prints on on Hahnemûhle archival photo rag paper. My entry took up the challenge offered by Scarborough Arts: "to react to this term, using it as a catalyst for the creation of your artwork. Is ego a human phenomenon? Is the human ego an essential ingredient in the art making process? How does the ego fuel creation of artwork, and how does it manifest in your work?" I found that ego does indeed matter – but not my own.

"I'm Looking At You # 1"
Thomson's Gazelle, Nairobi Park, 2010.
Thomson's Gazelle, Nairobi Park, 2010.

"I'm Looking At You # 2"
Female Red-Winged Starling, Cape Point, South Africa, 2010
Female Red-Winged Starling, Cape Point, South Africa, 2010

"I'm Looking At You # 3"
Rock Hyrax, Boulders Beach near Simonstown, Cape Peninsula, South Africa.
Rock Hyrax, Boulders Beach near Simonstown, Cape Peninsula, South Africa.